Well, I'm pretty new to this owning bolts of fabric thing, but it's quite exciting! I've been a quilter since 2012. I love fabric and have since I learned how to sew as a teenager in the 60s. I graduated from college in the early 80s with a duo degree in printmaking and fibers and then had a family. After my children all grew up and started to permanently leave the household, I began to look seriously at making quilts.
A couple of things that probably made me resistant to becoming a quilter prior to 2012 was believing I could be detailed enough to cut and sew accurately. Then there was the hope of having huge slots of time to dedicate to making a quilt, never mind hunting for quilt fabric endlessly, and judging amounts for crazy, experimental projects I wanted to attempt right off the bat.
Finally after a number of failures (to my thinking), I managed to get into making medallion quilts and that satisfied a lot of creative urges I had going on all at the same time. Color. Color vs color. Pattern. Pattern vs pattern. Borders. Borders vs borders vs borders!! I spent many happy days making medallion quilts and either giving them away or selling them for commissions.
By 2020 I had successfully completed over 35 quilt tops that were later quilted by someone else. I did bind them all by hand, in those 8 years of mostly carefree toiling. Two of those quilts were king size commissions and at least 5-6 others were queen sized quilts for family members, including myself.
I launched my way through endless sci fi TV series, all the existing Star Wars movies, old children's movies I longed to revisit and let run in the background, westerns, Jane Austin movies and many PBS series, British mysteries, modern TV series, extreme sports documentaries, WWII movies and Holocaust movies, and, once in a while, music du jour.
I became quite thankful over those 8 years for the advances made by streaming services, and refused to use YouTube for learning anything. I was sure that would sully my obsessive desire for entertainment by streaming! To this day, I don't attempt to learn a thing online via video. I don't think that my learning style can translate YouTube instructional videos. They don't hold my attention.
And now, without further ado and congrats on reading this blog to the end, welcome to my store!
Lynn Holbrook
February 9, 2021