2024 was a busy year. I added Northcott/FIGO to my collection after a rep showed me the Space Dye line. Wow. What a gorgeous fabric and the colors work very well with most of the Free Spirit lines, including the new Kaffe x William Morris fabrics that arrived a few weeks ago.
Many of the companies have had great sales and many bolts in the shop are $6-$7 a yard.
This is the start of our fifth year in business here in Sidney. To shake things up in the store we have added different varieties of chocolate truffles made by a company in Tennessee and greeting cards from Pomegranate. These are only sold in store so if you travel I-80 and need a gift and a card, you can stop in! Ha ha.
Next week we are having a sold out class on paper piecing using a newly released book by Liza Taylor - Paper-Pieced Quilt Blocks. We're very excited to have this opportunity to learn paper piecing!
The photo for this blog is of a current project that has been in an off/on process for 7 years. Most of my projects are challenges to solve a color/pattern puzzle. I recently picked up Anna Maria's Blueprint Quilting. I am reading it and enjoying her process for making her gorgeous quilts.
Have a great year!