We Love Fabric!!

August Zooms By!

Posted by Lynn Holbrook on

It's been a swiftly moving summer. I just added some Free Spirit fabrics and continue to stock more Art Gallery Fabrics, Dear Stella and other fun collections. I've completed three quilt tops since spring and am awaiting two to return from the long arm quilter. SHE IS THE BOMB. She's also very busy and isn't taking anything new at the moment, or I would share her info.

Earlier this summer I indulged in making a few crazy cardinals.  I have other birds and those sell occasionally out of the store.  Time to work on Christmas birds!  And quilts. And flannel PJ bottoms for presents under the tree.

If you head anywhere on I80 and find yourself passing Cabella's on the hill above Sidney, stop in and check us out. We're usually open Monday through Saturday, 9-5. 

In the meantime, happy quilting!




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